조리구 뭉크진, 오지영, 권현주. (2024). 성공적 에이징인플레이스를 위한 아파트 단지 외부공용공간 평가체계 구축 연구, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 26(3), 381-382.

최예인, 오지영, 권현주. (2024). 겨울철과 여름철 주거취약계층 고령 거주자의 건강주택 환경 만족도 연구, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 26(3), 204-205. *우수논문발표상 수상

고지윤, 오지영, 권현주. (2024). 노후 공공임대주택의 하·동절기 주택온열환경 현황 및 거주자 인식 비교, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 26(3), 66-67. *우수논문발표상 수상

최예인, 오지영, 권현주. (2024). 주거취약계층의 건강주택관련 주거 만족도 분석 연구, 한국주거학회 2024 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 36(1), 105-106. *우수논문발표상 수상

오지영, 형가연, 권현주. (2024). 공공임대주택 그린리모델링사업 시행 유·무에 따른 주거 만족도 분석, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 26(1), 115-116.

오지영, 구민혜, 권현주. (2024). 주거 취약계층의 주택온열환경 현황 및 인식 연구, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 26(1), 170-171.

리우창인, 권현주. (2023). 고령자의 낙상경험과 낙상예방 주택개조 인식에 대한 연구 -낙상 유경험 고령자를 중심으로- 한국주거학회 2023 2023 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 35(2), *우수논문발표상 수상

김혜연, 권현주. (2023). 베이비붐 세대의 건강주택 인식에 관한 연구, 한국주거학회 2023 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 35(2), 193-194 *우수논문발표상 수상

김혜연, 최예인, 권현주. (2023). 저소득 고령자의 동절기 주택 실내환경의 질에 대한 연구, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 , 25(1), 183-184. *우수논문발표상 수상

이수민, 권현주 (2022). 주거취약계층 고령자의 여름철 주택 온열환경 실태에 대한 연구, 한국주거학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 34(2), 133-134

Kwon, H.J., Oh, J., & Lee, S.J. (2022). Do Older Adults and Middle-aged Adults Differ in the Perception of Age-friendly Home Modifications?, The Asia-Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. July 2-3, Shanghai, China.

Lee, S.M., Kim, H.Y., Lee, S.J., & Kwon, H.J. (2022). A Study on Older Adults’ Home Modification for Fall Prevention, The Asia-Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. July 2-3, Shanghai, China.

Lee, S.J., Kwon, H.J., & OH, J. (2022). Personalized Age-Friendly Home Modifications: A Web-Based Application, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference. June 1-4, Greenville, SC

이수민, 왕옥민, 푸원제, 권현주 (2022). 에너지빈곤층의 주택온열환경 개선을 위한 국내 정책 분석 연구, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 24(1), 258-261.

왕옥민, 김혜연, 권현주.(2022).낙상예방 고령친화 주택개조에 대한 자녀세대 인식 및 요구에 대한 연구.한국주거학회 학술대회논문집,33(2),97-98.

김석경, 권현주, 임하라, 장서연 (2021). 실내디자이너 자격제도의 국내외 특성 분석 - 자격시험과 작업영역을 중심으로, 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 23(1), 372-375

이진린, 김혜연, 김태완, 권현주 (2021). 재가 노인 개인 맞춤형 낙상예방 주거환경 개선을 위한 툴킷 개발 연구, 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 33(1), 203-206. *우수논문발표상 수상

권현주, 오찬옥, 김수영, 이재정, 이도영 (2019). 고령친화 보행환경에 대한 고령자 만족도 및 요구에 대한 연구, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 21(3), 325-329

Lee, S., Kim, S., Kwon, H. J., & Ahn, M. (2018). Issues and policy: Housing satisfaction as aging in place indicator, Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference, October 9-12, Savannah, GA

Oh, C-O., Kwon, H.J. (2018). Does exercise environment matter for seniors to exercise? International Association People-Environment Studies (IAPS). July 9-13, Rome, Italy

Ahn, M., Kang, J., & Kwon, H.J. (2018). How the intention of aging in place is structured: Investigation of the role of personal, built, and interpersonal environments, International Federation on Ageing (IFA) Conference, August 8-10, Toronto, Canada

권현주, 한정원, 김동식 (2018). 근거기반 공공공간 디자인 교육사례연구 -캡스톤 디자인 프로젝트 진행 및 학생평가-, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 20(2), 41-44

Kwon, H. J., & Ahn, M. (2017). Choosing healthy housing materials for Millennials. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 8-11, Lowell, MA

Ahn, M., Kang, J., & Kwon, H. J. (2017). Ethnic variations in the relationship between older adults’ residential satisfaction and life satisfaction. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 8-11, Lowell, MA

Kwon, H. J., Ahn, M., Kim, S., & Lee, S. (2017). U.S. older adults’ attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors in relation to energy-efficient homes. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

Kwon, H. J., & Choi, Z. (2017). Intention to choose healthy interior design materials of U.S. single-family homeowners: An application of the Health Belief Model. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

Choi, Z., & Kwon, H. J. (2017). Indoor environmental quality of public space in healthcare: Developing a framework for assessment. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

Young, B., & Kwon, H. J. (2017). Interior design for informal science learning in community science centers. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

Kwon, H. J., Ahn, M., & Kang, J. (2016). Why do they want to age in place and who are they? A cluster analysis based on the reasons for aging-in-place. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 23-26, Jacksonville, FL

Kim, S., Ahn, M., Kwon, H. J., & Lee, S. (2016). Affordable housing design in South Korea: Case studies in three public housing complexes in the Kangnam district in Seoul. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 23-26, Jacksonvil

Kwon, H. J., & Hwang, E. (2016). Disabilities, home accessibilities, and residential satisfaction of US seniors living alone. International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) Conference. July 31-August 6, Daejeon, Korea

Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2016). Senior residents in multifamily housing in the United States. International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) Conference. July 31-August 6, Daejeon, Korea

Kwon, H. J. (2016). U.S. homeowners’ behavior to choose energy efficient housing: Applying Theory of Planned Behavior. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference. May 18-21, Raleigh, NC

Ahn, M., Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., & Kim, S. (2015). Housing satisfaction of single-person householders over 55 in the United States: A review of two studies in rural and urban areas. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 11-15, Sp

권현주 (2015). 노인거주자를 위한 친환경 주거공간디자인 교육사례, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 17 (2) 37, 43-46.

Kwon, H. J., & Hwang, E. (2015). The impact of the U.S. Fair Housing Amendments Act upon home accessibility and residential satisfaction in multifamily housing. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

Lee, H., & Kwon, H. J. (2015). Housing value clusters and housing characteristics of young renters in South Korea. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

Lee, S., Ahn, M., Kwon, H. J., & Kim, S. (2015). Housing satisfaction of 55+ single householders in U.S. urban communities. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

Hwang, E., Parrot. K., & Kwon, H. J. (2015). Learning contracts in multicultural housing design projects. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

Kwon, H. J., Hwang, E., & Beamish, J. O. (2014). Disabilities and home accessibility of seniors living alone: The 2011 American Housing Survey. Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting. November 5-9, Washington, DC

Kwon, H. J., Beamish, J. O., & Lee, H. (2014). Baby Boomers’ housing preferences for later life. Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting. November 5-9,Washington, DC

Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J.O. (2014). Multifamily housing senior residents’ reasons for moving, residential satisfaction, and intention to move. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 5-8, Kansas City, MO

Kwon, H. J., Ahn, M., Lee, S., & Kim, S. (2014). U.S. Boomers’ wants in sustainable housing. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 5-8, Kansas City, MO

Kim, S., Lee, S., Kwon, H.J., & Ahn, M. (2014). A study of zero-energy homes in South Korea. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 5-8, Kansas City, MO

Kwon, H. J., Lee, S., Ahn, M., & Kim, S. (2014). U.S. Boomers’ desire to age-in-place and residential satisfaction. American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Conference. June 25-28, St. Louis, MO

김동진, 권현주. (2014). Future home trends in emerging markets: Furniture design for young urgan professionals. 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집 16(3) 35, 191-194.

Kwon, H. J., Hwang, E., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). A demographic profile of older adults’ disabilities and housing accessibilities: The 2011 American Housing Survey. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 27-30, Tulsa, OK

Wang, X., & Kwon, H. J. (2013). Student housing in historic buildings. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 27-30, Tulsa, OK

Hwang, E., Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). Should I stay or should I go: Retirees moving to Jeju, Korea. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 27-30, Tulsa, OK

Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., & Parrott, K. R. (2013). Energy and housing cost burdens of the aging population in the southern United States. American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Conference. June 26-29, Houston, TX

Kwon, H. J., Beamish, J. O., & Hwang, E. (2013). Aging in place and reasons for moving. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress. June 23-27, Seoul, Korea

Kwon, H. J., Hwang, E., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). Baby Boomer’s preferences for residential technologies for aging in place. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress. June 23-27, Seoul, Korea

Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O (2013). Older adults in denser residential environments: A cluster analysis. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference. May 29-June 1, Providence, RI

Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). Boomers’ lifestyle and their housing for later life. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. February 17-19, Indianapolis, IN

Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O (2012). Reasons for moving into multifamily housing. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 28-31, Roanoke, VA

Kwon, H. J., Parrott, K., & Beamish, J. O (2012). Multifamily housing design targets Baby Boomers. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 19-22, Baltimore, MD

Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2011). Boomers lifestyle, housing satisfaction and intention to move at retirement. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 12-15, Baton Rouge, LA

Parrott, K., & Kwon, H. J. (2011). Learning contracts in the design studio: Fostering self-directed learning. Higher Education Pedagogy Conference. February 8-10, Blacksburg, VA

Beamish, J. O., & Kwon, H. J. (2010). Multifamily housing for Baby Boomers: The appeal of universal design. Universal Design Summit 4. October 10-12, St. Louis, MO

Kwon, H. J., Lee, Y., & Lee, S. (2010). Behavior-based needs of older adults concerning aging-friendly digital home application. International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics. June 22-24, Seoul, Korea

Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2010). Boomers housing for later life: Comparison of multifamily housing communities and senior housing communities. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference. June 2-6, Washington, DC

Mitchell, K. J., Beamish, J. O., Goss, R. C., & Kwon, H. J. (2009). Rental apartment -- A viable option for Boomers? Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. November 1-4, Santa Fe, NM

Kwon, H. J., Panzer, J., Parrott, K., Beamish, J. O., & Lee, Y. (2009). Smart home for aging-in-place. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. November 1-4, Santa Fe, NM

Panzer, J., Kwon, H. J., & Parrott, K. (2009). Anti-mansionization: The importance of small-scale housing. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. November 1-4, Santa Fe, NM

권현주, 이수진, 민병아, 이연숙. (2007). Aging-in-Place를 지원하는 디지털 홈 계획 방향에 대한 연구. 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 9(1), 131-136.

Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., Min, B., Kim, K., & Lee, Y. (May, 2007). A study on the needs for future digital lifestyles of the elderly through scenarios in a multipurpose restaurant, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference, May 30-June3, Sac

임채숙, 권현주, 임진이, 이연숙. (2007). 지체장애인의 생활행태기반 공간적 개선요구에 관한 연구. 한국생태건축환경학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 12, 271-277.

Lee, Y., Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., & Min, B. (October, 2006). Analysis of bathroom products for the elderly using five universal design principles. Asia Interior Design Institute Association Conference, Seoul, Korea

Lee, S., Lee, Y., Lee, J., Jung, E., & Kwon, H. J. (May, 2006). Actual conditions and the direction of user interface services of the digitally converged home appliances for the upcoming ubiquitous environment. Environmental Design Research Association (E